Cosmetic Product Design
CHALLENGES LOOKING FORWARD For an early-stage beauty or consumer-goods company seeking growth capital in 2022, the best advice is to identify the likely “finish line” and try to anticipate the most impactful steps or inflection points between here and there. You will organize and operate your company differently, for instance, if you are building to hold instead of building to sell. Building an authentic, passionate, and loyal customer base is critical. It is acceptable if it is a small or a niche community; capital providers see a lot of value and opportunity. Building barriers to competition, including using celebrity product lines or brand ambassadors, is a big plus. Assemble a strong management team because that is a large part of what a capital provider is evaluating. Finally, it is essential to set things up right from the beginning. The money spent now will reap multiples later and shows a level of seriousness and professionalism that can set you apart.